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In 2024, Griffen Construction required cohesive branding and a digital presence to establish itself in the market. The initial branding, including type and feel, was crafted to align with an existing icon. Extensive research on industry competitors and trends informed the finished website, which was tailored for both desktop and mobile platforms. Assets were packaged for hand-off to an external developer, with oversight provided as needed. Promotional materials, such as coasters, were created for a launch party following the successful website launch. With the completion of the initial brand identity and website, Griffen Construction became well-positioned for market entry, equipped with the necessary tools to establish a strong digital and physical presence. This project showcases the ability to create cohesive branding and digital solutions while effectively managing the development process. You can visit the site at
In 2024, Griffen Construction required cohesive branding and a digital presence to establish itself in the market. The initial branding, including type and feel, was crafted to align with an existing icon. Extensive research on industry competitors and trends informed the finished website, which was tailored for both desktop and mobile platforms. Assets were packaged for hand-off to an external developer, with oversight provided as needed. Promotional materials, such as coasters, were created for a launch party following the successful website launch. With the completion of the initial brand identity and website, Griffen Construction became well-positioned for market entry, equipped with the necessary tools to establish a strong digital and physical presence. This project showcases the ability to create cohesive branding and digital solutions while effectively managing the development process. You can visit the site at